Monitor an MMO
Full Recipe¶
Shared by: Ethan Bell
Model real-time player kill data from Planetside 2. Use API calls to supplement the killfeed graph with detailed information about the player characters and the weapons used.
Monitor an MMO Recipe
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Ingest the killfeed websocket output from Daybreak Games' MMOFPS "PlanetSide 2", invoking the getJsonLines procedure to lazily fill out unknown static data. Replace all instances of s:example
with a service-id acquired from
Sample Data¶
events will stream in from the websocket once the recipe is started. The events are JSON objects like the one below.
How it Works¶
The recipe connects an ingest stream to the PS2 Event Streaming WebSocket to manifest Death
events as murder
, victim
, attacker
, weapon
, and character
nodes in Quine.
INGEST-1 processes events emitted form the websocket:
- type: WebsocketSimpleStartupIngest
url: wss://
- |-
"worlds": ["all"],
type: CypherJson
query: |-
WITH * WHERE $that.type = 'serviceMessage'
CREATE (m:murder)
SET m = COALESCE($that.payload, {})
WITH id(m) as mId
MATCH (murder) WHERE id(murder) = mId
MATCH (victim) WHERE id(victim) = idFrom('character', murder.character_id)
MATCH (attacker) WHERE id(attacker) = idFrom('character', murder.attacker_character_id)
MATCH (weapon) WHERE id(weapon) = idFrom('weapon', murder.attacker_weapon_id)
SET weapon.uninitialized = weapon.weapon_id IS NULL
SET victim:character, attacker:character, weapon:weapon,
victim.character_id = murder.character_id, attacker.character_id = murder.attacker_character_id,
weapon.weapon_id = murder.attacker_weapon_id
CREATE (victim)<-[:victim]-(murder)-[:attacker]->(attacker), (murder)-[:weapon]->(weapon)
WITH murder, victim, attacker
UNWIND [victim, attacker] AS character
SET character.last_update = murder.timestamp
"type": "WebsocketSimpleStartupIngest",
"url": "wss://",
"initMessages": [
"{\n \"service\":\"event\",\n \"action\":\"subscribe\",\n \"worlds\": [\"all\"],\n \"characters\":[\"all\"],\n \"eventNames\":[\"Death\"]\n}"
"format": {
"type": "CypherJson",
"query": "WITH * WHERE $that.type = 'serviceMessage'\nCREATE (m:murder)\nSET m = COALESCE($that.payload, {})\nWITH id(m) as mId\nMATCH (murder) WHERE id(murder) = mId\nMATCH (victim) WHERE id(victim) = idFrom('character', murder.character_id)\nMATCH (attacker) WHERE id(attacker) = idFrom('character', murder.attacker_character_id)\nMATCH (weapon) WHERE id(weapon) = idFrom('weapon', murder.attacker_weapon_id)\nSET weapon.uninitialized = weapon.weapon_id IS NULL\nSET victim:character, attacker:character, weapon:weapon,\n victim.character_id = murder.character_id, attacker.character_id = murder.attacker_character_id,\n weapon.weapon_id = murder.attacker_weapon_id\nCREATE (victim)<-[:victim]-(murder)-[:attacker]->(attacker), (murder)-[:weapon]->(weapon)\nWITH murder, victim, attacker\nUNWIND [victim, attacker] AS character\nSET character.last_update = murder.timestamp"
A standing query matches each new character node to populate the character properties via the census
- pattern:
type: Cypher
query: MATCH (newCharacter:character) WHERE newCharacter.character_id IS NOT NULL RETURN DISTINCT id(newCharacter) AS id
type: CypherQuery
query: |-
WHERE id(c) = $
CALL loadJsonLines(""+c.character_id) YIELD value
SET c += COALESCE(value.character_list[0], {})
"pattern": {
"type": "Cypher",
"query": "MATCH (newCharacter:character) WHERE newCharacter.character_id IS NOT NULL RETURN DISTINCT id(newCharacter) AS id"
"outputs": {
"populate-fresh-character": {
"type": "CypherQuery",
"query": "MATCH (c)\nWHERE id(c) = $\nCALL loadJsonLines(\"\"+c.character_id) YIELD value\nSET c += COALESCE(value.character_list[0], {})"
The character_list
object returned from the API is similar to the one below.
{"character_list":[{"character_id":"5428010618020694593","name":{"first":"Dreadnaut","first_lower":"dreadnaut"},"faction_id":"1","head_id":"1","title_id":"97","times":{"creation":"1353434436","creation_date":"2012-11-20 18:00:36.0","last_save":"1508990907","last_save_date":"2017-10-26 04:08:27.0","last_login":"1508985950","last_login_date":"2017-10-26 02:45:50.0","login_count":"971","minutes_played":"101148"},"certs":{"earned_points":"206533","gifted_points":"9358","spent_points":"205791","available_points":"10100","percent_to_next":"0.002999999962901"},"battle_rank":{"percent_to_next":"43","value":"102"},"profile_id":"21","daily_ribbon":{"count":"5","time":"1508911200","date":"2017-10-25 06:00:00.0"},"prestige_level":"0"}],"returned":1}
A second standing query matches each new weapon node to populate the weapon properties via the census
- pattern:
type: Cypher
query: MATCH (weapon:weapon) WHERE weapon.uninitialized = true AND weapon.weapon_id IS NOT NULL RETURN DISTINCT id(weapon) AS id
type: CypherQuery
query: |-
MATCH (weapon) WHERE id(weapon) = $
CALL loadJsonLines(""+weapon.weapon_id+"&c:join=weapon_datasheet") YIELD value
SET weapon += COALESCE(value.item_list[0], {})
REMOVE weapon.uninitialized
"pattern": {
"type": "Cypher",
"query": "MATCH (weapon:weapon) WHERE weapon.uninitialized = true AND weapon.weapon_id IS NOT NULL RETURN DISTINCT id(weapon) AS id"
"outputs": {
"populate-weapon": {
"type": "CypherQuery",
"query": "MATCH (weapon) WHERE id(weapon) = $\nCALL loadJsonLines(\"\"+weapon.weapon_id+\"&c:join=weapon_datasheet\") YIELD value\nSET weapon += COALESCE(value.item_list[0], {})\nREMOVE weapon.uninitialized"
The item_list
object returned from the API is similar to the one below.
{"item_list":[{"item_id":"7","item_type_id":"26","item_category_id":"139","is_vehicle_weapon":"0","name":{"de":"Spawn -Leuchte","en":"Spawn Beacon","es":"Baliza de apariciones","fr":"Balise de réapparition","it":"Faro di rigenerazione","tr":"Animation Control Sign"},"description":{"de":"Eine Signalleuchte zum schnellen Absetzen von Truppmitgliedern in einen Bereich aus geringer Höhe.","en":"A signal-emitting beacon that allows squad members to drop pod into an area from low orbit.","es":"Una baliza que emite una señal y permite a los miembros del escuadrón aterrizar con cápsula dentro de una zona desde una órbita baja.","fr":"Une balise émettrice de signaux qui module de aux membres de l'es un déploiement à partir d'une orbite basse.","it":"Faro emettitore di segnali che permette ai membri della squadra di inserirsi a caldo nell'area.","tr":"It allows squad members to come from low orbit to instantaneous space is a scattering checkmark."},"faction_id":"0","max_stack_size":"1","image_set_id":"1568","image_id":"3056","image_path":"/files/ps2 /images/static/3056.png","is_default_attachment":"0"}],"returned":1}
Running the Recipe¶
Before running this recipe beyond a few seconds, you'll need to apply for a service ID from Daybreak Games in order to access their API. The service ID "s:example" is available for casual use--it is throttled to 10 requests per minute per client IP address.
Update a local copy of this recipe once you receive your personal service-id.
Please don't share the updated recipe or your service ID with others.
❯ java -jar quine-1.9.0.jar -r planetside-2.yaml
Graph is ready
Running Recipe: Planetside 2
Using 4 node appearances
Running Standing Query STANDING-1
Running Standing Query STANDING-2
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-1
Quine web server available at http://localhost:8080
Once the recipe is running, you can explore the graph to find subgraphs formed around Death