Wikipedia Page Create
Full Recipe¶
Shared by: Landon Kuhn
Wikipedia page creation events are instantiated in the graph with relationships to a reified time model.
Wikipedia Page Create Recipe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 |
In this scenario, Quine consumes Wikipedia first revision page create events from the Mediawiki EventStreams service.
Sample Data¶
Data source documentation: /streams/get_v2_stream_page_create
How it Works¶
The recipe receives Server Sent Events (SSE) using an ingest stream to manifest a graph in Quine.
INGEST-1 processes the SSE stream consisting of JSON records like:
"$schema": "/mediawiki/revision/create/1.1.0",
"meta": {
"uri": "",
"request_id": "c11b80bf-26ea-4e0f-9369-5f80ccaa276d",
"id": "c34b93bc-14a8-4642-9aba-d4d07821ff33",
"dt": "2023-02-07T21:03:26Z",
"domain": "",
"stream": "",
"topic": "",
"partition": 0,
"offset": 260591941
"database": "commonswiki",
"page_id": 128505356,
"page_title": "User_talk:Florentin_Bart",
"page_namespace": 3,
"rev_id": 730781127,
"rev_timestamp": "2023-02-07T21:03:26Z",
"rev_sha1": "en26ue963xtjl98402aitklflzn6srp",
"rev_minor_edit": true,
"rev_len": 238,
"rev_content_model": "wikitext",
"rev_content_format": "text/x-wiki",
"performer": {
"user_text": "Wikimedia Commons Welcome",
"user_groups": [
"user_is_bot": false,
"user_id": 302461,
"user_registration_dt": "2008-05-28T14:23:02Z",
"user_edit_count": 11295026
"page_is_redirect": false,
"comment": "Adding [[Template:Welcome|welcome message]] to new user's talk page",
"parsedcomment": "Adding <a href=\"/wiki/Template:Welcome\" title=\"Template:Welcome\">welcome message</a> to new user's talk page",
"rev_slots": {
"main": {
"rev_slot_content_model": "wikitext",
"rev_slot_sha1": "en26ue963xtjl98402aitklflzn6srp",
"rev_slot_size": 238,
"rev_slot_origin_rev_id": 730781127
The ingest query identifies revNode
, dbNode
, userNode
nodes, loads them into the graph, and populates them with properties. The query also converts timestamps into timeNode
nodes using the reify.time
procedure for event bucketing.
- type: ServerSentEventsIngest
type: CypherJson
query: |-
MATCH (revNode), (dbNode), (userNode)
WHERE id(revNode) = idFrom("revision", $that.rev_id)
AND id(dbNode) = idFrom("db", $that.database)
AND id(userNode) = idFrom("id", $that.performer.user_id)
// Set labels for nodes //
CALL create.setLabels(revNode, ["rev:" + $that.page_title])
CALL create.setLabels(dbNode, ["db:" + $that.database])
CALL create.setLabels(userNode, ["user:" + $that.performer.user_text])
// Create timeNode node to provide day/hour/minute bucketing and counting of revNodes //
CALL reify.time(datetime($that.rev_timestamp), ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"]) YIELD node AS timeNode
CALL incrementCounter(timeNode, "count", 1) YIELD count AS timeNodeCount
// Set properties for nodes //
SET revNode = $that,
revNode.type = "rev"
SET dbNode.database = $that.database,
dbNode.type = "db"
SET userNode = $that.performer,
userNode.type = "user"
// Create edges between nodes //
CREATE (revNode)-[:DB]->(dbNode),
"type": "ServerSentEventsIngest",
"url": "",
"format": {
"type": "CypherJson",
"query": "MATCH (revNode), (dbNode), (userNode) \nWHERE id(revNode) = idFrom(\"revision\", $that.rev_id)\n AND id(dbNode) = idFrom(\"db\", $that.database)\n AND id(userNode) = idFrom(\"id\", $that.performer.user_id)\n\n// Set labels for nodes //\nCALL create.setLabels(revNode, [\"rev:\" + $that.page_title])\nCALL create.setLabels(dbNode, [\"db:\" + $that.database])\nCALL create.setLabels(userNode, [\"user:\" + $that.performer.user_text])\n\n// Create timeNode node to provide day/hour/minute bucketing and counting of revNodes //\nCALL reify.time(datetime($that.rev_timestamp), [\"year\", \"month\", \"day\", \"hour\", \"minute\", \"second\"]) YIELD node AS timeNode\nCALL incrementCounter(timeNode, \"count\", 1) YIELD count AS timeNodeCount\n\n// Set properties for nodes //\nSET revNode = $that,\n revNode.type = \"rev\"\n\nSET dbNode.database = $that.database,\n dbNode.type = \"db\"\n\nSET userNode = $that.performer,\n userNode.type = \"user\"\n\n// Create edges between nodes //\nCREATE (revNode)-[:DB]->(dbNode),\n (revNode)-[:BY]->(userNode),\n (revNode)-[:AT]->(timeNode)"
A standing query is configured to detect when new nodes are added to the graph and prints the event to standard out.
- pattern:
type: Cypher
query: |-
type: CypherQuery
query: |-
WHERE id(n) = $
RETURN n.comment AS line
type: PrintToStandardOut
"pattern": {
"type": "Cypher",
"query": "MATCH (n)\nWHERE n.comment IS NOT NULL\nRETURN DISTINCT id(n) AS id"
"outputs": {
"output-1": {
"type": "CypherQuery",
"query": "MATCH (n)\nWHERE id(n) = $\nRETURN n.comment AS line",
"andThen": {
"type": "PrintToStandardOut"
The resulting event stream looks like this in the console.
2023-02-07 15:39:37,967 Standing query `output-1` match: {"meta":{"isPositiveMatch":true,"resultId":"b995e3a0-12d2-2139-d349-4757801ad666"},"data":{"line":"Adding [[Template:Welcome|welcome message]] to new user's talk page"}}
Running the Recipe¶
❯ java -jar quine-1.9.0.jar -r wikipedia.yaml
Graph is ready
Running Recipe: Ingest Wikipedia Page Create stream
Using 4 sample queries
Running Standing Query STANDING-1
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-1
Quine web server available at http://localhost:8080
This recipe can serve as a boilerplate for other streaming recipes using the Wikipedia EventStreams source. We use variations of this recipe in our getting started guide and product demos.